Collaborative family law the Alt Divorce Way

Webmaster Collaborative family law

When Ontario couples decide to end their marriages, most of them are determined to get their divorces over and done in the quickest and most painless possible way — also with a minimum of antagonism and stressful conflict. Is that even possible? The answer is yes — collaborative family law allows couples to navigate divorce settlement agreements and move forward with all the bitterness and contention left behind. However, if you choose this process, you must …

Ontario collaborative family law a joint cooperative effort

Webmaster Collaborative family law

The current model of alternative dispute resolution — that is, reaching a mutually satisfying agreement peaceably, outside the courts — probably originated in the distant past when two warring factions decided to forgo the bloodbath and find common ground instead. Similarly, marriage is based on commonality, which doesn’t magically vanish when an Ontario couple decides to divorce. This is where collaborative family law can provide a potentially less forbidding path through the emotional and legal tangle entailed …

Collaborative family law encompasses a wide range of issues

Webmaster Collaborative family law

It can be heart wrenching when someone hears a spouse or partner say, “I don’t want to be with you anymore.” Sometimes, it’s put in writing or demonstrated by moving out of the bedroom or by any number of actions that signal the end of a union. The starting point for a legal separation agreement is a mutually recognized date of separation. In Ontario, collaborative family law recognizes that in the end lies the potential for …

How does a surrogacy agreement work?

Webmaster Collaborative family law

Almost one in six couples in Canada will have infertility issues when trying to start a family. Fertility law is an emerging branch of family law. Family lawyers can assist clients with fertility law by drafting Sperm Donor Contracts and Surrogacy Agreements. In a Sperm Donor Contract a male agrees to provide another couple with semen to allow them to conceive a child. In a Surrogacy Agreement, a female agrees to bear and give birth …

Tricked into parenthood?

Webmaster Blog, Collaborative family law, Uncategorized

A handful of clients have come into my office with statements such as: “she told me she was on the pill”, “she told me she could not get pregnant”, “I clearly told her I did not want children”, and the classic “she told me that if she ever got pregnant, she would take care of the child on her own”. The follow-up question is often “do I still have to pay child support?”. The answer …

Can I change the beneficiary of my life insurance policy when I separate?

Webmaster Collaborative family law

It is always recommended that you NOT change the beneficiary of your life insurance policy (who is usually your ex-spouse) until you have resolved all financial matters arising from your separation or divorce by way of a separation agreement or court order. In almost all cases, one or both ex-spouses will have support obligations towards his/her ex-spouse or children after a separation occurs and when that is the case the final settlement inevitably includes an …

Une grande différence entre aller à la cour versus aller au procès

Webmaster Collaborative family law

En Ontario, moins de 3% de toutes les actions intentées devant la cour de la famille aboutissent en un procès. Le fait que votre requête judiciaire n’ait pas besoin d’un procès ne veut pas dire que vous n’irez jamais en cour. Bien au contraire! Notre système judiciaire familial ainsi que les Règles de procédure qui s’appliquent à ce genre de causes favorisent les règlements amiables. Dans cet esprit, avant de se rendre à un procès, …

Le mystère du droit collaboratif

Webmaster Collaborative family law

En tant que nouvelle avocate, je suis constamment en mode apprentissage. Bien que j’ai passé ce qui me semble être d’innombrables années à étudier pour finalement devenir avocate, j’ai vite réalisé que ma formation d’avocate n’était peut-être pas aussi complète que je le pensais. Cette réalisation est devenue évidente lorsque j’ai été invitée à participer à une rencontre de droit collaboratif et que la seule question que j’avais en tête était: « Le droit collaboratif, …