Mediation can help Ontario common-law couples that separate

Webmaster Mediation

It bears repeating that Ontario law treats the dissolution of legal marriage and that of a common-law union very differently. That said, some common-law relationships endure for decades, and, as in formal marriages, accumulate property and assets, and, along the way, parent children. In such cases, mediation may provide invaluable information on the legal differences as well as helping to reduce conflict. A family law practice which offers professional mediation to its clients frequently has …

Avoiding unwelcome surprises through Ontario mediation

Webmaster Mediation

It may sound peculiar, but — for some — the idea of marriage is akin to buying a bundle of preconceptions and expecting lifelong personal fulfillment. For centuries, our culture has been imbued with exalted ideals about married life that work against the realities of a shared life, with all its accompanying hopes, dreams and goals. However, those same standards of success can be applied to the mediation process, particularly when assisted by an Ontario family …

Stay or leave: How mediation lends a hand to Ontario couples

Webmaster Mediation

Deciding to unite in marriage is not to be taken lightly, to paraphrase words invoked at the moment of commitment. The same may be said of the moment the decision to dissolve a marriage is made. Each in their own way signifies a dramatic life change for Ontario spouses, and the leave-taking transition may be the optimum time to seek mediation with the help of an experienced family law practitioner. Recently, two noted universities teamed …

Mediation useful for Ontario couples seeking amicable separation

Webmaster Mediation

Couples who have decided to part ways can find themselves, individually and together, in unfamiliar territory. Even if they are in agreement about making the process as amicable as possible, there may be concerns or issues that need to be resolved before they can go forward. They could consider mediation as a light guiding them through terrain, which, despite their best intentions, can cause stress and strain. Most family law practitioners are experienced in mediation …

Is mediation the reason behind some divorce selfies?

Webmaster Mediation

Yes, the title really does say, “divorce selfies.” It’s a relatively recent phenomenon: newly divorced couples in Ontario and abroad are taking and posting selfies right after signing the papers. Some of the pictures are going viral, and the trend has caught the attention of the media. So, why are some people smiling through their divorce, while other spouses can barely stand to look at each other? Maybe the social media couples took advantage of mediation, …